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Digitalizing Manufacturing, Transforming Ideas into Innovation


Tecnomatix is a comprehensive portfolio of digital manufacturing solutions that help you to digitalize manufacturing and the process of transforming innovative ideas and raw materials into transformative products.

With Tecnomatix, from Siemens Digital Industries, you can synchronize between product engineering, manufacturing engineering, production, and service operations to maximize your production efficiency.

Why you need Tecnomatix?

Tecnomatix digital manufacturing solutions can help you to build your product as well as you design them.

Tecnomatix solutions can help optimize production, logistics & maintenance, reduce the start-up costs of new products and processes, reduced inventory & throughput time and more.

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6 Main Solutions & Benefits of Tecnomatix

Tecnomatix has many solutions & benefits to help create a smoother and more efficient manufacturing process.

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Source: Siemens Tecnomatix Process Simulate

1. Process Simulate

Process simulate is a digital production solution for manufacturing process verification in 3D environment.

The manufacturing engineering team is expected to be able to launch a flawless new product and meet the target production cost and quality.

The ability to utilize 3D data of products and resources facilitates virtual validation and optimization of complex manufacturing processes, resulting in faster marketing of products and higher production quality.​

Benefits of Process Simulate

  • Reduce cost with early detection of product design issues.

  • Ensure high process quality by emulating realistic processes.

  • Optimize cycle time.

  • Scalable simulation

  • Reuse production models

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Source: Siemens Tecnomatix Plant Simulate

2.  Plant Simulation

Tecnomatix Plant Simulation software enables the simulation and optimization of production systems and processes. With plant simulation, you can optimize resource utilization, material flow, and logistics for all levels of plant planning from specific lines.

Benefits of Plant Simulation

  • Increase productivity and resolve bottlenecks

  • Reduce the investment cost of production lines without sacrificing the required output

  • Reduce inventory costs

  • Lowers the investment in new facilities planning

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Source: Siemens Tecnomatix Human Simulate

3. Human Simulation - Jack

Jack is human modeling and simulation tool that helps to improve the ergonomics of product designs and refine industrial tasks. Jack enables you to size your human models and let you test your design for multiple factors including injury risk, user comfort, reachability, line of sight, energy consumption, fatigue limits, and other important human parameters.​

Benefits of Tecnomatix Jack

  • Uncover human issues early in the design process

  • Save time and costs

  • Assess the human element at all stages of your product lifecycle

  • Optimizes the use and maintenance of products

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Source: Siemens Tecnomatix RobotExpert

4. RobotExpert

Tecnomatix RobotExpert is robot simulation and offline programming software that enables you  to boost the speed, flexibility, and processing of the automated systems. ​

Benefits of Tecnomatix RobotExpert

  • Virtual optimization and programming of robotics processes

  • Increased throughput due to optimized cycle time 

  • Reduced downtime when introducing a change or new product

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Source: Siemens Tecnomatix FactoryCAD

5. FactoryCAD

FactoryCAD is FactoryCAD is a 3D layout application that gives you everything you need to create detailed, intelligent factory models. With FactoryCAD, 3D models can be created faster than 2D drawings using conventional CAD. FactoryCAD allows you to work with “smart objects” that represent virtually all the resources used in a factory, from floor and overhead conveyors, mezzanines and cranes to material handling containers and operators.​

Benefits of Tecnomatix FactoryCAD

  • Able to create 2D/3D models in less time and effort

  • Early discovery of layout design problems

  • 90 percent faster than typical 3D modeling

  • Avoid expensive redesign problem

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Source: Siemens Tecnomatix FactoryFLOW

6. FactoryFLOW

FactoryFLOW is a graphical material handling system that enables engineers to optimize layouts based on material flow distances, frequency and costs.​

Benefits of Tecnomatix FactoryFLOW

  • Optimize layouts based on qualitative factors such as supervision, energy, noise and dirt requirements

  • Improve layout productivity by determining the best location of machines and departments

  • Create initial layouts easily

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Digitalizing Manufacturing, Transforming Ideas into Innovation


Phone | (+62) 21 2788 1993

Menara Sentraya 17th Floor, Jl. Iskandarsyah Raya No. 1A, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta – 12160.

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